Networking of experts on adhesive bonding

5. Klebstoffseminar am ifw Jena in Kooperation mit Anton Paar Germany GmbH
The 5th Adhesives Seminar took place at ifw Jena at the end of October. Almost 40 experts traveled to the event to exchange ideas.

The 5th Adhesives Seminar took place at ifw Jena in cooperation with Anton Paar Germany GmbH. Users, manufacturers and scientists met in Jena to learn about and exchange information on current trends in adhesive bonding technology.

The participants were given an overview of current developments in presentations and discussion rounds. The topics covered included the rheological and dynamic-mechanical properties of adhesives and the experimental methods used to determine them. The seminar also provided a comprehensive insight into the application of rheology and DMTA methods in practice. Participants were given guided tours of the laboratory to familiarize them with the research work on adhesives at ifw Jena.

The adhesives seminar is jointly organized by ifw Jena and Anton Paar Germany every autumn.

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